Sleep Endoscopy & Snoring Surgeries

Snoring- evaluation and management

Snoring is the sound produced while sleeping due to vibration of  lax of muscles during sleep or any anatomical obstruction in the upper respiratory tract from nose to larynx. It may be the first symptom of obstructive sleep apnea(OSA). It can lead to many problems some of which are shown below.

When a patient comes to us with snoring we calculate body mass index and  advise them to undergo polysomnography to grade the disease.

If apnea hypoapnea index is high in sleep study.

We advise them to have sleep endoscopy (DISE: Drug induced sleep endoscopy) under sedation as this will mimic sleep and we will know exact obstruction region or extent of collapse in airway.

Based on all the above tests we can conclude whether patient needs surgery or not.

 If there is no anatomical obstruction we advise them to reduce weight / life style modification. 

If there is anatomical obstruction (most cases) -like deviated nasal septum, hypertrophied inferior turbinate, nasal polyps, adenoids, elongated uvula, bulky soft palate,hypertrophied tonsils, large tongue base and epiglottic collapse. 

we advise different types of surgery based on the level of obstruction taking help of coblation technology.

preop photo. Above photo shows surgical area with blue marking and one of the coblation wands which we use for surgery

Above image is post op photo after widening is done

Nasal cavity Polypectomy, partial inferior turbinectomy
Nasopharynx Adenoidectomy
Oropharynx Tonsillectomy, UPPP, LAUP, Zetaplasty, Palatal implants
Hypopharynx Midline glossectomy, tongue base reduction
  Mandibular advancement, genioglossal advancement, hyoid myotomy suspension
Oro and hypopharynx Maxillomandibular advancement, epiglottoplasty
Bypass of the airway Tracheostomy

Post op care

  1. You will have throat pain for 2-3 weeks following surgery. 
  2. Use of antibiotics, pain medication  for 2 weeks is suggested.
  3. A liquid-only diet is recommended for this first few days as well: water, non-acidic juices, milk and milkshakes, ice cream, Jell-o, pudding, soup and soda pop are recommended. After 3 or 4 days, soft foods may be introduced: scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, oatmeal, soft-cooked rice or noodles. No pizza, no potato or corn chips, no crusty bread, no raw fruits or vegetables, no peanuts or other hard or crunchy foods for 2 weeks after surgery. 
  4.  A small amount of blood-tinged mucus may be expected from the nose; blood-tinged saliva may be seen for 24 hours after soft palate surgery. Any bloody drainage after that period of time or heavier than “streaks of blood” in the mucus should be reported. 
  5.  No heavy lifting, no vigorous exercise for one week following palate surgery. 
  6.  Some noisy breathing, even mild snoring, may be experienced immediately after surgery as the palate may be a little swollen. This swelling and noisy breathing should clear within a few days. 6. Take the antibiotic as directed. No aspirin or aspirin-like products (Nuprin, Advil, Motrin, Alleve, etc.) until cleared by Dr. Sudhir Bayya. 
  7. You may brush your teeth, but gargling is not recommended for about a week after surgery. 
  8.  If you have bleeding, fever greater than 101.5 degrees or increasing throat pain more than a week after surgery, call Dr. Sudhir Bayya for further instructions. During office hours, call 0863 2225729; if you simply have a question, you may leave a message for retrieval the next business day. 
  9. A post-op sleep study is generally suggested 6 weeks after surgery. This will be discussed during your post-op visit two weeks after surgery.
  10. Avoid alcohol or smoking till your tissues heal and sutures take up completely. This is confirmed by Dr. Sudhir.
  11. Avoid excessive cough initial days so that  sutures won’t break, this will be helped by medication.

Contact us

Bayya Hospitals

12-25-192, Bhagath Singh Centre, Kothapet, Guntur, Andhra Pradesh 522001


+91 6304429294

+91 93819 22827

Consultation Hours

Monday – Saturday 9AM – 1:30 Noon,
Evening 5:30PM to 8:00PM
Sunday – CLOSED

Monday – Saturday 9AM – 5:00PM
Sunday – CLOSED

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